Setting SMART Health Goals

Good job! Now that you have made the commitment to improve your health, the next step is to set in motion the things you can do to bring yourself closer to the final goal. Introducing SMART goals – a clever and sustainable method in keeping your goal post within sight. And a good strategy is to set up your own SMART goals checklist and work your way through it.

Most goals we set are kind of vague. Resolutions like ‘keeping fit’ or ‘losing weight’ sound enticing, but do not offer you much more in terms of actionables and motivation. Here, we dive into how you can set SMART goals and stick to them to reach your ultimate objective.

What is a SMART goal?

SMART goals refer to targets that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. They work together to help you set and achieve targets along the way.

Think of them as mini target boards where you try to hit them to win the final game. These mini target boards are set clear within sight and do not need a lot of skills to hit. Here’s an example of a SMART goals checklist if you are looking to lose weight:

  • Aim to lose 3kg by the end of the month by eating healthier
  • Cut down on high-caloric and high-carb foods such as fast food and potatoes
  • Set a maximum allowable calorie intake per meal

Follow a checklist like the one above to keep track of your progress and bring you nearer to your goal.

Common problems with goal setting

Ever tried setting new year resolutions at the start of the year only to have them fall through the next week? One common problem with such goals is that they tend to be unclear without steps to reach them. Other problems include:

  • Having too many distractions
  • Setting too many goals at one time
  • Having unrealistic expectations
  • Not being able to put in the work
  • Not sacrificing for the gain
  • Being afraid to step out of the comfort zone
  • Expecting to see quick results
  • Using obstacles as an excuse
  • A lack of commitment and/or motivation

All these can lead to being overwhelmed and eventually having the goal crash and burn.

What can you do?

When it comes to SMART goal setting, the trick is to be as precise as possible.


Start by writing down clear and specific goals which are simple and sensible. Do not generalise them or keep them too broad.


Your goals should also be quantifiable, so make sure they are trackable. Diligently monitor your progress as you go.


Set yourself up for success by keeping your expectations realistic. Your goal should be attainable and reasonable – so don’t expect yourself to lose 10kg in a week!


If your objective is to improve your health – such as a better cholesterol level, you should set goals which are closely connected to it. Do things such as incorporating more vegetables in your daily meals and drink at least 8 cups of water a day.


Lastly, give yourself a reasonable time frame to reach your goals. It can be a few months or a year. This helps you visualise the end game and pushes you to go nearer each time.

Start your healthy journey

No matter your age or gender, it is imperative to take charge of your health by setting SMART health goals. Not sure how to write out a healthy SMART goals checklist? Let our medical care professionals at Jaga-Me help you to identify important areas you need to target. Individuals can opt for our upcoming home health screening service, where you can consult our trained doctors to treat and diagnose any medical conditions you may have.

Start your healthy journey one SMART goal at a time!

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