Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues in the Elderly

Taking care of the elderly is no easy task – in fact, this responsibility can be downright intimidating. For one, they are often dealing with significant health issues that can be difficult to manage. Additionally, they may not be able to communicate easily or may be confused and disoriented. This can make them more susceptible to mental health struggles, making it more challenging for caregivers to understand what exactly they need or how to best help them.

Mental health is an important issue for the elderly in Singapore. According to a study, depression strikes about six per cent of the elderly population aged 65 and above. With the global population expected to rise from 12% to 22% between 2015 and 2050mental health for the elderly has become a more pressing concern.

Mental health challenges can take many different forms. As a caregiver, it is important to learn the contributing factors and identify the signs and symptoms.

Risk Factors for the Elderly

Mental health problems in the elderly can stem from several areas. Some of them include:

  • Chronic health problems: Older adults often have multiple chronic health conditions, which can take a toll on their physical and mental health.
  • Isolation and loneliness: As people age, they may lose social connections, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. This is especially common if they live alone or have limited mobility.
  • Grief: Losses, such as the death of a spouse or close friend, can trigger grief reactions that may worsen existing mental health problems or lead to new ones.
  • Financial stress: Money worries are common in older adults, who may have fixed incomes and rising costs of living.

Any of these factors, alone or in combination, can contribute to mental health problems in older adults.

Signs and Symptoms

Signs that an elderly loved one is struggling with their mental health can be difficult to spot. Sometimes, they may not even realize that they are experiencing any problems. However, there are a few key signs and symptoms to look out for:

1. Deviating from the norm

As people get older, they may start to care less about their appearance. They may let their hair go gray or stop shaving. However, if your loved one has all of a sudden stopped caring about their clothes or personal hygiene, or is no longer enjoying their usual daily activities, it may be a sign that something is up.

2. Developing confusion

As we get older, our bodies and minds change in ways that can lead to confusion. For example, we may have more trouble understanding new information or retaining old memories. We may also be more likely to experience changes in our sleep patterns or moods. While some level of confusion is normal as we age, persistent or severe confusion can be a sign of a more serious underlying health condition, such as dementia.

3. Having mood swings

Mood swings are a common occurrence in the elderly, and they can be a sign of underlying mental health issues. While it’s normal for mood to fluctuate from day to day, or even hour to hour, older adults who experience sudden and drastic changes in mood may be experiencing something more serious.

4. Suffering from memory loss

Memory decline is normal as we age. But when memory loss is more severe, it may be a sign of a mental health issue. There are many potential causes of memory loss in the elderly, including Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. But memory loss can also be caused by depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders.

5. Experiencing physical issues

If you notice your ward experiencing body aches, constipation, vomiting, or unexplained pain in any parts of the body, do take note. These physical changes can be a sign of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. Older adults may also experience changes in their sleep patterns. They may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, and may wake up feeling tired. This can be a sign of depression, which is a common mental health problem in the elderly.

6. Inability to manage finances

For many older adults, managing their finances is a complex and difficult task. This can be due to a number of factors, including declining cognitive abilities, physical health problems, and social isolation. When combined with the stress of everyday life, it can be overwhelming for an elderly person. This can manifest in a number of ways, such as problems keeping track of bills and expenses, making impulsive or irrational purchases, or failing to plan for future needs.

What Can You Do?

First, it is important to pay attention to any changes in mood or behavior. If your elderly loved one seems more withdrawn than usual, or if they seem unusually sad or angry, these could be signs of depression or other mental health problems. Additionally, you should look out for any changes in sleeping patterns or appetite, as these can also be indicative of mental health issues.

If you notice any of the above signs and symptoms, it is important to speak to a doctor about your concerns. For elderly members who are unwilling or unable to leave the home, you can also consider getting a home medical doctor or respite caregiving services which allow a home diagnosis and treatment plan.

With Jaga-Me’s comprehensive elderly home care services in Singapore, your senior patient at home will get the best care he or she needs. Our care assistants are able to administer professional caregiving support, and our nurses are able to perform procedures at home, from wound dressing to IV infusion

Speak to our friendly associates at Jaga-Me today to find out more.

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