pressure ulcers
The child is sick concept.Teddy bear in the hospital

Prevention Tips for Pressure Ulcer

Did you know that about 14% of elderly patients are admitted to hospitals for pressure ulcers? In fact, 95% of the pressure ulcers cases are preventable. If you are a caregiver caring for a loved one who is wheelchair bound or bed-bound, you might want to find out how to prevent the onset development of pressure ulcers (bedsores). If pressure ulcers are neglected it can lead to further complications and eventually death. 

What are Pressure Ulcers?

Pressure ulcers are formed when there are prolonged pressure on bony areas like the hips, elbows or the heels of our feet. The constant pressure on bony areas affects the blood supply and pressure ulcers will develop as the skin will start to break down.

Pressure Ulcer Risk Areas

Pressure Ulcer The Straits Times

Source: Changi General Hospital & The Straits Times 

What are the Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers?

Having pressure ulcers affect an individual’s mobility, morbidity and overall quality of life. Patients who are bed-bound or wheelchair bound are at risk of developing pressure ulcers. The constant pressure on the same position for a prolonged period of time can affect the blood circulation to the area. This will cause pressure ulcer to form as the skin will start to break down due to the lack of blood supply.

Prevention Tips From a Jaga-Me Nurse

  • Frequent Assessment

Do frequent inspection of pressure areas. This is to ensure that if there is a developing pressure ulcer, it can be diagnosed and treated promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to quicker recovery and lesser pain for the patient.

  • Re-positioning

Ensure that you re-position your loved one every 2-3 hours. This is to avoid putting pressure on a particular area for too long. You can use pillows to elevate or separate bony areas for example the ankles, heels, or knees. Avoid having creases on the bed sheet and use pressure relieving mattresses like air mattresses.  

  • Daily Care

Ensure that your loved one’s skin is clean and dry at all times. Use pH balanced and non-fragrance soap to keep skin clean. Use barrier cream to moisturize bony areas. Change your loved one’s bed sheets if it is wet and avoid having creases on the bed-sheets.

  • Nutrients and Water

Sufficient intake of nutrients and water will help to prevent the onset development of pressure ulcer. Having a well-balanced diet can help reduce the risk of pressure ulcers. If your loved one is recovering from a pressure ulcer eating high calorie food like fish meat and egg can help with the healing of the wound.

How Jaga-Me can Help?

We provide professional wound care for your loved one. If your loved one needs frequent wound dressing change, you can engage our services. If you need personalised caregiver training, you can simply ask our nurses! We will assess the condition of the wound and provide you a personalized care plan on how to care for the wound.

Award winning Home Care trusted by health professionals – Jaga-Me

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