criticise home care

Don't criticise those who pay for home care

Many people see home care as an unnecessary expense. After all, with heavy subsidies from the government in Singapore, why not just go to the hospital? How about just hiring a domestic helper? Why pay for private home care?
People who criticise others for paying for home care need to know this: Home Care is an investment.
Here are some reasons people use home care that you might not have known.

1. Having access to health networks.
Generally, people do not have access to a professional to receive health advice. By using a supportive private home care provider, you can have access to all these nurses for health advice. For them, there is no question that is too small to ask. A platform of nurses allows you to get in contact with many different nurses. Nurses see a variety of cases and they can let you know the best options available. Going for a doctor’s consult only allows you that 15 minutes of consultation time, and it’s never enough to truly understand your condition. Google may be your best friend, but it never tells you what you need to know specifically for your condition.
Nurses are actually a good alternative as many of them have direct contact with countless patients. Chances are, they might have good alternatives and choices through their observations. Nurses are also licensed professionals. They undergo training, most of them have a diploma or degree. Why not get some insights from them?

2. Quality of care
Not many need help in caregiving until they really need it. However, when it’s urgent, would you want to rush and pay exorbitant prices and yet have sub-standard quality care? By opting to utilise home care services early, you will have the time to assess and evaluate the quality of care provided. This is advantageous compared to an emergency where the home care services of the first available provider are often sought.
Furthermore, with domestic helpers, competence is always a question. While adept at handling household tasks, communication barriers and inadequate knowledge may be detrimental in terms of proper medical care. In fact, ignorant help will do more harm than good, causing more costs in the long run with dire consequences.
3. Convenience
Home care may cost more, but taking leave and being unavailable at your workplace might cost even more. Many people face the struggle of shuttling their senior parents for medical appointments, day care, or rehabilitation clinics. Sometimes, it’s hard to trust even family members who might not know what to ask in the doctor’s visit, or even to pass down vital medical or care instructions. Being in such dilemmas can often be soul-sucking.
For example, imagine Sally. Sally is a senior manager in a huge Company. Sally earns about $40/hour. She gets a reminder that she needs to bring her mother to see the doctor tomorrow, but she has already taken too many off days during her mother’s hospitalization prior. Using home care for $21-25/hour, Sally saves an off day and the frustration of coordinating her schedule to fit all these appointments.
Why not save your off-days for days where you can really spend quality time with your family? After all, it is an opportunity cost, and we choose which benefits us the most.

4. Have home care solutions created for you
Many people are grateful for home care advice on hindsight. Home care problems cannot be solved using a one-size-fits-all approach. It has to be tailored according to the needs and preference not just for the patient, but the family members as well.
We had a client who told us that she did not know home care could be much better when we organised care for her and her family. Because of that, her family has more rest time. In fact, we did not change any care instructions, but because of the vast experience in home care the care coordinator had, she was able to shorten and condense the tasks for her.
5. Person-centred care
As much as we want the healthcare system to serve us better, we know that we have to submit to the healthcare system according to her schedule. Have you ever felt that you need help but your specialist appointment is only 2 months later? In facing such problems of healthcare in Singapore, you are definitely not the first. This is because the institutions are systems in place to help the public at large. It is truly difficult to have the system tailored to the individual.
But with home care, resources are dedicated for an individual. Therefore, the focus on the patient makes care so personalised, care becomes manageable and less confusing. How? When you use home care consistently, the home care coordinator is able to set care goals for the patient. As a person’s condition changes, their care needs change along with it. With home care, all these are managed and followed up by the care coordinator.
The next time you know someone using home care, ask them about it and get to know what it’s like! Home care is the kind of person-centred care that we’ve, here at Jaga-Me, always wanted, and expected of our healthcare.
If you need any help understanding more about how home care can help you, or to enquire about the type of home care services available in Singapore, talk to us about it! You can call us at:
Contact: +65 8498 4598
or email is at:
And our friendly and more than knowledgeable nurse coordinators will attend to your enquiries about booking home care services with us! Kick-start your home care today! Request a care assessment from our friendly care coordinator!
Award winning Home Care trusted by health professionals – Jaga-Me

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